
How is wind power calculated?

Power Equation:



ρ= the density of the air

A= the swept area of the blades


V= the velocity of the wind


V: As the velocity increases, power will increase exponentially. This section of the equation highlights the importance of height of the turbine pole.

A: as the blade size increases, the radius of the windswept are increases, resulting in an exponential increase in area. As area increases, so does the power.

ρ: (rho) The density of the air changes during the year. When temperatures are colder, air compresses, and becomes denser. Therefore turbines actually produce more power in the winter, and can provide a nice complement for solar energy.

How is The Power Equation Utilized?

The power equation calculates wind power for a specific wind speed. In order to determine if wind is viable, a site must have a sufficient wind power density.

Image Source: American Wind Energy Association

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